Information on initiation of project requests and log-in request
This is VisasQ, an expert network company that connects subject matter experts with consulting/industry firms via 60-minute paid online consultations.
Thank you for your continuous support.
This is an important notice and will be sent to all registered experts on our platform.
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new “global version” of the platform that we will operate together with Coleman Research, a U.S. company we acquired in 2021. This will enable us to provide projects from global clients.
We have already informed some experts ahead of time, but we would like to inform all users once again.
The existing VisasQ service will be referred to as the “Japanese version” and the service with the domain,, described below will be referred to as the “Global version”. Projects mainly from global clients are introduced through the “Global version” and are expected to increase in the future.
■Global version service website
- Currently, you cannot view the Global version projects from the Japanese version.
- From early September, you will also be able to access the website from the link at the bottom after logging in to the Japanese version.

Request for correspondence
【1】Email domain for Information on Global Projects
* If you have set domain-specific reception, please register your domain designation reception so that you can receive emails.
【2】Pre-login to the Global version (takes about 3 minutes)
Please note that the request for the project will be sent considering your login status to the Global version. We would appreciate it if you could log in once.
- How to login (resetting password is required)
- Username Registered email address
- Password Click on “Forgot your username or password?” to reset your password.
- Login URL

Notification regarding change in name of “Advisor”
The name “Advisors” will be changed to “Experts” with the initiation of project requests of the Global version.
VisasQ service started out with matching 1 hour long interviews. Since then, our services have diversified to include services that go beyond the scope of “advice”. In light of the current situation and the expansion of future opportunities, we have decided to standardize the name “Advisor” with “Expert” on our platforms.
* The name change on the service and website will be completed by the end of the year, focusing on content such as terms of use, advisor training, etc. after this October.
For smooth matching in the Global version, please login in advance. We will continue to strive to improve our services. We look forward to your continued support with VisasQ.